Meet the team: John!
Did you know that TAP is also available in the USA? Read more about John, who is leading our TAP US operations, below!
Why have you started working with TAP?
I started working with TAP just over a year ago when I was introduced to the team by Paddy whom I'd worked in the past. The element that really drew me in was the pureness of the mission. Just wanting to bring gratitude to those who deserve it. There's too little of that around at the moment and this is a great chance to change it
What excites you about TAP?
I'm extremely enthused about our future in the USA. We've done great prep work and are on the precipice of a launch over here. There is so much opportunity to bring the TAP mission to the US and we're very well placed to be able to do just that. The need to find a way to show gratitude is as acute here as anywhere in the world and I think that's something to get excited about!
What is your core mission in your role?
My role is the President of TAP US. This has already included a great deal of research & preparation to ensure TAP is perfectly prepared to launch into the market. Once we are happy that all of the pieces are in place, I will be the person to launch the newest market for TAP...and one day, grow it to be the biggest in the world!
Can you share more about your work with schools/ your position/ your typical day, working for TAP?
TAP is my passion project. I'm happy working on TAP in the wings while we look to secure all of the important components to ensure TAP US's future success. I stay in very close contact with the folks in the UK so we're perfectly aligned globally
What was the best message of thanks you've ever read?
I've read so many words of thanks but I particularly enjoyed the sentiment of all of the healthcare providers during the Covid pandemic. Those heroes met the moment in the largest crisis the world has seen in living memory. Truly worthy of our gratitude
Have you sent a message of thanks yourself?
Yes - I have friends who are doctors here in NYC and I was happy & proud to be able to thank them!