Meet the team: Matt!

Matt is the CEO of TAP and has been with our organisation since the very early days! You can read more about him here:
Why did you start working with TAP?
I was originally approached by Sandie and Phillip (the original founders) to assess their idea behind TAP and advise on how they could turn this into a reality. At the time I was a start-up consultant and investor. But TAP became much more than a consultancy project for me and now I'm the CEO and don't do anything else!! I live and breathe TAP and have never felt so fulfilled in a role.
What excites you about TAP?
I think for me it's the messages of thanks we share and the positive impact that these messages have. Knowing that we are changing and improving people's lives, even in a small way, makes all the hard work worthwhile.
What is your main mission in your role?
My role and mission are to make TAP grow so that thanking regularly becomes a global phenomenon! But day to day this means bridging the gap between expanding and promoting TAP and the securing financial and human resources needed to make this a reality.
Can you share more about your typical day, working for TAP?
There's no such thing as a typical day at TAP although Mondays (I'm writing this whilst having lunch on a Monday) are always meetings with the entire TAP team which starts early (talking to our Australia office), covers conversations with our US team and concludes with a weekly team meeting after hours on Monday evening. As we often work remotely it's really important to schedule regular meetings so we all know what everyone is up to.
What was the best message of thanks you've ever read?
There was a really moving message of thanks in Autumn last year, sent by a lady who wanted to thank two paramedics that had saved her mother's life the week before. We managed to find those paramedics and deliver their message which was so emotional and heartfelt. Many amazing messages have been sent, and I read different thanking walls almost daily. But that was one I really remember.
Have you sent a message of thanks yourself?
Of course, I try to use the platform regularly to both read and send messages and it also helps me reflect on how mice most people are most of the time. I believe the more I practice gratitude the happier I get so I try and do so regularly.