Thank You Day 5th June: How to Say Thank You to your Community

Thank You Day 5th June: How to Say Thank You to your Community

TAP (Thank And Praise) is one of many organisations supporting Thank You Day on Sunday 5th June - how will you be celebrating? As proud partners of this special day of thanks, TAP have compiled some top tips on how to say thank you to your community, and show friends, family and those who live and work in your neighbourhood, just how much they are appreciated. Read on to find out more.

What is Thank You Day?

Everyone has a personal story and an individual to say 'thank you' to, especially after the last couple of testing years. Sunday 5th June is this year's Thank You Day, as well as the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Weekend 2022. As people are getting together to raise a glass to the Queen for 70 years of outstanding service, it also provides the opportunity to say a great big 'thank you' to each other, as we join together in thanking the community for their support.

Who started Thank You Day?

The first national Thank You Day was held in 2021, as a way for people to say thank you to others for helping their community get through the Covid-19 pandemic. Started by just a few individuals, it resulted in hundreds of organisations, and millions of people, coming together to say thank you to the community in which they live, in a way that was unprecedented. Today it's supported by some incredible organisations, including the Scouts and Guides, Rotary, Royal Voluntary Service, the NHS, the Football Association and the Church of England - as well as TAP (Thank And Praise) who provide the digital way for everyone to send a message of thanks to anyone at any time, anywhere.

How can I say thank you to my community?

Thanking the community for their support doesn't need to be complex or elaborate; a simple gesture can go a long way. Here are our top tips on how to celebrate Thank You Day 2022, and show your appreciation for those who have had an impact on your lives:

Hold a street party and invite a special guest

Many people will be organising street parties for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, so make your 'thank you' to your community, a part of this celebration. Invite your local heroes to join your 'Big Jubilee Lunch' - your local doctor, nurse or midwife, a teacher from a local school or your postman for example - and make them the special guest!

Say thank you to a neighbour

It was incredible how people came together to help each other out during the pandemic - so now you can return the favour. If there is a special neighbour who delivered food shopping for you while you were isolating, or picked up a prescription when you were ill, then why not get them a gift, or bake them a cake or some other tasty treat, as a great way to show your appreciation for all they have done.

Get your local school involved

If you have children at a local primary school, then encourage your school to get involved. There are many 'Thank You Day' resources for schools to help them plan an assembly, decorate the classroom with bunting, or hold a Big Jubilee Lunch among other things. And don't forget - teachers and support staff have such a huge impact on society, so it's really important to give them a big thank you too for helping the community, especially when homeschooling during lockdown. Help your child draw a picture, bake some brownies, or send a special message of thanks using TAP's free thanking platform, to make school staff feel really special.

Say 'cheers' to volunteers

Celebrate your local heroes and say thank you to them for helping the community, with a special 'Cheers for Volunteers'. Led by the Royal Voluntary Service, join together with friends, family and neighbours to raise a glass (or a cup of tea) and make a special toast to the amazing volunteers who have put so much time and energy into making your community great.

Spread the word

Don't forget to tell everyone you know about Thank You Day via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Invite them to your celebrations and tell them how they can get involved. There are some fantastic graphics and videos for you to share on the Thank You Day website.

Send a message of thanks with TAP

TAP is the social thanking platform helping to create a chain of Thank Yous across the entire UK - locally, regionally and nationally. There are so many people in each area who deserve a message of thanks - a neighbour, a key worker, a small business, or a public service team - who keep their communities going. TAP is inviting everyone to give a great big shout out to anyone who deserves recognition.

Sending and reading messages of thanks is easy through TAP's free-to-use website and TAP App. It takes just seconds to send a message, but has a lasting impact.

Find out more about how TAP is supporting Thank You Day, and send and read messages of thanks on the Thank You Day Thanking Wall.