Thanking Unsung Heroes in the USA
TAP's mission is to become the global currency of thanks by enabling people to more easily thank frontline workers around the world.
We are therefore excited to announce TAP's launch into North America having expanded geographically into Australia last year.
TAP's social thanking platform now enables those living in North America to show their appreciation to the unsung heroes working in the Armed Forces, Education, Healthcare and Elder Care via a regionally specific website and App.
"The opportunities for TAP to make a difference in the USA are enormous and I'm really excited to be helping spread positivity amongst our incredible frontline workers", says John Cawdery, a 15-year veteran of the digital marketing and technology industry with roles across Google and DoubleClick, who heads up the new venture as TAP's President.
TAP USA has already identified a network of 12 public schools in California and a network of 6 public schools in New Hampshire that are keen to be the first organisations to adopt TAP's social thanking platform as a way of showing appreciation to their school staff as well as raising funds for school-related charities.
Matt Findel-Hawkins, TAP's global CEO made the following statement:
I am delighted to see TAP expanding into North America in line with our social mission to make thanking the norm, not the exception. Ultimately our aim is to improve the wellbeing of frontline workers globally through the power of thanks and appreciation, so a strong foothold in the US is a key step in this mission.
If you'd like to know more about adopting TAP's social thanking platform in your US-based organisation or are interested in partnering with TAP USA, please contact