Homecare, Scotland Thanking Wall
Show your appreciation to our amazing keyworkers during these challenging times.

To: All Staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thank you to all the Carers looking after John. You are doing a fabulous job.
Isabel Young
To: All Staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Take care.
Jas Clark
To: All staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thank you to all xx
Eileen Stewart
To: All staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thanks to all carers
Margaret Robertson
To: All staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thanks to these awesome carers.
Sharon Rimbault
To: All staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
All NHS staff, deserve a big Thank you !!!
Mary Hamilton
To: All Staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thanks to Carers x
Ann Mcdonald
To: All staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
They do a wonderful job thank you
Theresa Snedden
To: All staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thank you to all carers xxx
Eileen Stewart
To: All staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Big thank you to all carers, NHS and emergency staff.
Mary Canning
To: All Staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thanks to all Carers. They all do a great job.
May Currie
To: All Staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thanks to all Carers x
May Mclaughlin
To: All Staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thank you to all Carers and NHS staff. They are all angels. They deserve a decent living wage.
To: All staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
God bless you all
Barbara Simpson
To: All Staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thank you for your care. Keep going. Worth all the gold in the world.
Helen Cooper
To: All Staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
I don't know how I would cope without the help and kindness of my wonderful carers. THANK YOU XXX
Emmeline M Rutherford
To: Gail Woodburn
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thank You to all Care Workers, especially to Gail Woodburn xxxx
Pat Woodburn
To: All staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thank you XX
Jean Finnigan
To: All staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Janis Spinks
To: All staff
Homecare, Scotland, Glasgow
Thank you so so much xxx
Moira Ednie