United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Thanking Wall

Show your appreciation to our amazing keyworkers during these challenging times.


To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

All the NHS staff are amazing and they work very hard in difficult times.


To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Spent a few hours at Pilgrim Boston today. Everybody was marvellous and so understanding and I can't praise them enough. Thank you all.

Evelyn Constant

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Thank you.

Madeline Bell

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Wonderful work you are all doing! The difficult times you have all been through too! Thank you, just doesn't seem enough!

Marilees Johnson

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Thank you for all your help.

Beverley Powell

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Thank you all, for every day!

Wendy Ramos

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Thank you.

Denise Elsam

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Thank you NHS, you are totally awesome.

Eileen Fisher

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Thanks to all the NHS.

Mo Horton

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Thanks for being there.

Cath Gresham

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Thank you for your care and that I'm still here x

Teresa Lewsey

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Thank you so much to The Stroke Unit. You looked after me really well.

Maria Petterson

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

I will always thank them. They have been wonderful to me on lots of occasions. THANK YOU XXX

Audrey Sallis

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Thank you all so much for all the amazing work you do. xx

Viv Scupham Yoga

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

So much thanks for you.

Carolle Bayliss

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

You are our "heroes" regardless of your "humility" this is true. We will always "treasure" you!

Ellen Fleming

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Thank you all for your wonderful work. Keep up the amazing work you all do, for us all. A big, big thank you to all involved in making this happen. You are all amazing. Keep up the amazing work and keep doing what you are doing. Thank you.

Carolyn Towers

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

Thank you NHS. We appreciate you.

Lyn Gaylard

To: All Staff
Grantham and District Hospital, Grantham

Thanks to all at Grantham Hospital - don't let them ever close it.

Margaret Ballaam

To: All Staff
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire

A million words is not enough to say thank you . Where would we be without you. Peace xx

Sue Clement

Say Thank You

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