Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester Thanking Wall

Show your appreciation to our amazing keyworkers during these challenging times.


To: Teachers
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for your enthusiasm with the subject ambassadors. They are certainly motivated!

Rebecca Dulieu

To: Paula
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Paula, thank you so much for always going above and beyond and helping in any way you can! You are a real gem and I am sure that I can speak for everybody at Barley Croft how much we appreciate you!!!! Thank you for all of your help in getting things ready for the last week of term and just being a genuinely wonderful human!

Emily R

To: Year 3/4 Team
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you so much to all of the Year 3/4 staff for supporting with the trip to The Curve yesterday. The children had a fantastic time watching 'The Wizard of Oz' and they all have lovely memories of the theatre experience.

Sami Winfield

To: Deb Plumb
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you Deb and all the buffet elves for a really lovely Secret Santa lunch.

Kerry Lenton

To: Fran
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you so much for helping with the final pieces of Pudsey. I don't think my little arms would have reached (even on the ladders!).

Anita Dennis

Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for offering help to cover absences!

Rebecca Connolly

To: Phase 5/6
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you all for your words of care.

Janet R

To: Zee Gangat
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thanks, as always for checking up on me and care and concern as I wasn't feeling well.

Janet R

To: Rebecca D
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for the cobs today. It set me up for the trip to Twycross Zoo !

Deborah Plumb

Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you everyone for helping the children settle so well, for taking on all the changes and embracing a new school year with new staff ❤️

Kerry Lenton

To: DSP and Becci B
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for your hard work towards the quality assurance visit. You are fantastic at your jobs and I am so pleased that this was recognised today! The children in Respect class are very lucky to have you working with them.

Rebecca Dulieu

To: Teaching Assistants
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Happy National Teaching Assistants Day....?xx

Deb Plumb

To: Kerry Lenton
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for my National TA goody bag xx

Deb Plumb

To: Rebecca D James Martina Sharon
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for your support in breakfast club xx

Deb & Julie Plumb

To: Beth, Carol and Julie D
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you so much for all of your support in Democracy class this week. We have pulled together to meet the needs of all of our children and I really appreciate it! Keep smiling!

Sami Winfield

To: Year 3/4 team
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you all for a great first week back. Your classrooms look fantastic and the children are happy and settled. Here's to a brilliant year!

Sami Winfield

To: KS1
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

To all the staff in KS1 (new and old additions) Thank you so much for working together to get the base ready! Thanks for bearing with me as I navigate leading solo! But most of all thank you for being positive everyday and taking everything in your stride! We've got this!

Rebecca Connolly

To: Rebecca D, Alpa, Jenny and Rebecca Cockram.
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you Rebecca and Alpa for the recent paperwork you submitted at such short notice. Also to Jenny and Rebecca for the input you added.

Sarah G

To: Vicki Stoddart
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Your 'emergency staff supplies' is such an amazingly kind thought. Thank you

Rebecca Dulieu

To: The whole staff
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

What a brilliant first day! Rooms look amazing. Lots of happy children, parents and staff. Thank you everyone

Rebecca Dulieu

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