Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester Thanking Wall

Show your appreciation to our amazing keyworkers during these challenging times.


To: Sam Simmonds
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

You have been an absolute star today, stepping in and covering Democracy Class at short notice. Thank you.

Rebecca Dulieu

To: Janet and Martina
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for stepping into the breach at the last minute and covering Zainab's Class. You are a superstar :-)

Debbie Ellson

To: Sarah Gubbins
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for doing such a marvellous job of creating Charles Darwin's Study :-)

Debbie Ellson

To: Paula Bates
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Paula - as always you are a superstar. Thank you for helping to bring up the writing bureau and take away the bob shelter xxxxx

Debbie Ellson

To: Hazel
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for coming in to Reception today to hear readers. Your support was very much appreciated.

Lynsey Thorne

To: KS1
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thanks everyone for going that extra mile whilst we have staff absences! Whether it's been an extra duty, changes last minute or just your usually cheerful selves! I feel really lucky to work with you all!

Rebecca Connolly

To: Karen Ashby
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you very much for covering my class this morning, so I could have my PPA. You are a star :)

Sami Kettle

To: Rebecca Conolly
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

I really appreciate all the hard work you are doing to support all pupils in Year 1/2 make good progress. You are embracing lots of the NCETM ideas and as a result, your kids will make excellent progress :-)

Debbie Ellson

To: The Whole School
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Maisie has had a brilliant day. She loved meeting all the children and having lots of cuddles with the Staff. Thank you!

Rebecca Dulieu

To: Denise
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Denise, thank you for all your hard work. We really appreciate you. I know today has been a trickier Friday than usual. We are very greatful for your help and support, thank you ?

Natalie Smith

To: UKS2
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

I would like to say thank you to all members of the UKS2 Team, who have worked so hard to ensure that all of our pupils have made a fabulous start to this term - you are all amazing :-)

Debbie Ellson

To: Paula Bates
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Paula - you are a superstar for cleaning our windows. Both myself and Janet really appreciate you xxx

Debbie Ellson

To: Paula Bates
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for cleaning all the windows in Community Class. Now, we can see, all of outside.

Community class

To: Deb Plumb
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thanks for covering duties at short notice today!

Bethan Myers

To: EYFS Team
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for covering, whilst I was out of class today. You were all very supportive and flexible with the changes to the day. Thank you Team EYFS.

Lynsey Thorne

To: Key Stage 1
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

To all the KS1 staff, Thanks for a great first week back! You've all pulled together as a team, welcomed our new TA, delivered and supported some excellent PSHE lessons and generally made sure everything has run smoothly as we launch the Spring term. It's much appreciated by both of us! Beth and Bec

Bethan Myers

To: Rebecca Dulieu
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for choosing to come to work at Barley Croft.


To: Barley Croft Primary School Staff
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for making me feel so welcome at Barley Croft. I am really looking forward to getting to know you all and continuing the Barley Croft journey with you.

Rebecca Dulieu

To: Emily Percival
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for organising lunch for everyone today. It was greatly appreciated.

Rebecca Dulieu

To: Beth Myers and Katie Shields
Barley Croft Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for your hard work in delivering the Well Being section of the Teacher Day. The focus on this area, is extremely important and will benefit all staff and in turn the children, at the school.

Rebecca Dulieu

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