Minds Ahead, London Thanking Wall

Show your appreciation to our amazing keyworkers during these challenging times.


To: Anto
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you, Anto for your help in branding and hyperlinking my presentation ready for the induction week. Your help and advice are hugely appreciated. PS The website is looking great!

Claire Sewell

To: The Whole Team
Minds Ahead, London, London

THANK YOU :-) I really enjoyed meeting/catching up with each and every one of you during our team day. We all looked great in green, and the 'buzz' in the room was wonderful. Looking forward to seeing you all again in July in Leeds for the conference and if you're not going when we meet again in November!

Claire Sewell

To: Julia
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you for all the brilliant support you have given the students throughout module 2 and for the help you have given me along the way :-) Hopefully, we can work together again in the future. All the best. Claire

Claire Sewell

To: Denise
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you, Denise, for your support. It's very appreciated and valued! I have been learning a lot from you. I really like the way you manage our team and structure our meetings.

Antonietta Gonzalez

To: Denise W
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you Denise for being so supportive with your feedback in the work I do and the leg work you do to keep things moving. I think your energy is contagious and I really appreciate it.

Jayne Ingram

To: Anto
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you Anto for always being so supportive, especially when you have already shown me how to do something. You are so patient and always smiling and positive.

Jayne Ingram

To: Claire Broadhurst
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thanks a lot for stepping in last night to cover for a colleague at short notice. You helped the students on the School Mental Health Specialist Programme have a great introduction to the course and made them feel ever so welcome to their new programme. Your calm and supportive approach was just what we needed - thank you Claire!

Dean Johnstone

To: Clare Broadhurst
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thanks for popping in to visit me last week whilst visiting the in-laws near by - it was super to be able to meet properly after working together all this time. That was such a great thought!

Dean Johnstone

To: Jo Graham
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thanks Jo for your ongoing support :-) Much appreciated and valued. Looking forward to finally meeting you in person soon!

Claire Sewell

To: Joanne Cammish
Minds Ahead, London, London

For going above, beyond and into space in helping one of our cohort members with their inquiries. Absolutely amazing the lengths you went to and it is hugely appreciated :-)

Claire Sewell

To: Adam Gillett
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you Adam for your flexibility and support recently - shifting your work and stepping in to help us out, on the module was really appreciated! You were (and are) a star!

Dean Johnstone

To: Antonietta Gonzalez
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thanks for being so awesome Antonietta and quickly making the necessary changes to our SMHS inbox, to make the systems cohesive for your colleagues and clearer for our applicants.

Claire Sewell

To: Clare Marrtin
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you Clare for co-producing module three with me and taking the leadership of the module forward in April. It's an interesting (but satisfying) challenge to write 10 units of quality learning with the depth needed, to ensure it's at level seven standard, whilst ensuring it is interesting and engaging (and that we hit the desired deadlines!!). Nearly there :-)

Claire Sewell

To: Jo Graham
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you Jo for the excellent work you have undertaken to successfully launch and run our largest training programmes in the last few months, with multiple cohorts, start dates etc. I was sure there would be more bumps in the road, but you have made it all look plain sailing (if I can mix my metaphors!). It could not have happened without you!

Dean Johnstone

To: Dean Johnstone
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you for having faith in me! I appreciate the opportunities that you have afforded me, since I joined a year ago.

Claire Sewell

To: Joanne Cammish
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you for helping sort out some links for me on the SMHL Courses - saved me so much time!

Adam Gillett

To: Claire Sewell
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you for moderating for me - your advice is really appreciated!

Adam Gillett

To: Clare Broadhurst
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you Clare for the emotional support you offer to all your colleagues, but from a personal perspective, I have been grateful to you checking in on me over the last couple of weeks in particular. It has really been appreciated and has made me stop and remember to take time out in the day, to just breathe and take a break.

Claire Sewell

To: Naomi
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thank you very much, Naomi, for all the support and guidance. I truly appreciate your feedback and suggestions on my proposals. It's great to work with you!

Antonietta Gonzalez

To: Antonietta Gonzalez
Minds Ahead, London, London

Thanks so much for all of the additional work in the last few weeks, including reviewing our cyber security, working to get PR and press coverage and helping with a bid. Your ability to flex to different needs, is really valued.

Dean Johnstone

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