Linden Primary School, Leicester Thanking Wall

Show your appreciation to our amazing keyworkers during these challenging times.


To: Mrs Matijas

Thank you for being cool, calm and collected when administering first aid.

Chris Taylor

To: Mr Essex
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

I would like to say thank you for being a good teacher to children in year 6BL. My son Prince has learned so much from you. I am happy he did well in his SATS, all thanks to you. As you embark on a new journey I say all the best. Take the same good and wonderful spirit with you. Meggie Zhou

Meggie Zhou

To: Ms Khalfan
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

We wanted to thank Ms Khalfan for always going the extra mile for the children in school. Always ensuring our son is happy in the playground and looking after all the kids individual needs, with a smile on her face always. We will miss her when our journey ends with Linden soon as year 6 comes to an end. A true star, thank you!

Bhavna Lall

To: Mrs Khunti
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

I want to thank Mrs Khunti for always going over and beyond her remit for my son. She always ensures he is happy at school and more than that that he is not under any stress. In addition to this, she does her role with the upmost of integrity, professionalism and caring nature always putting her needs last to ensure the children are safe and happy. She is a true asset to Linden and we wanted to thank her with immense gratitude.


To: Mr Essex
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

We wanted to think Mr Essex for being an amazing year 6 teacher. Our son Shiv has excelled under his teaching and loves coming into school each day and is excited for the day ahead. He has been a true role model to all the young year 6's, especially the boys and we are very grateful. Mr Essex always has an ear to listen to problems and quickly finds solutions. A true asset to Linden, we shall miss him when we end our journey with Linden. Thank you!

Bhavna Lall

To: Nivruti Patel
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

A heartfelt thank you to Mrs Patel and the amazing Reception team for their patience, hard work, and dedication to Amayah this year. Mrs Patel and her team made me feel confident in their care for Amayah, and I am eternally grateful that my daughter had the opportunity to be taught by such fantastic staff. Amayah started as a very different child, and now she absolutely adores her teachers and loves coming to school. Her social and academic progress is a testament to Mrs Patel and her team. Amayah and I will miss you all very much in the next academic year.

Mariam Valli

To: Mrs Khunti
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mrs Khunti for all the hard work and patience she has shown towards Amayah during her first year in school. Mrs Khunti's adaptive teaching methods have made a remarkable impact on Amayah’s academic and social development. Her kind and nurturing nature has allowed Amayah to thrive in an inclusive environment where she feels valued and supported. Mrs. Khunti has always been available for communication and has worked closely with our family to ensure Amayah’s success. I am deeply thankful for her dedication, compassion, and professionalism. We are eternally grateful to Mrs. Khunti and Amayah and I will miss her very much next academic year.

Mariam Valli

To: Mrs Kunti
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for all the hard work you have put into helping Sulaymaan Pandor progress with his reading. The cards that you made for him in your own time just showed your love and dedication and they helped him immensely. Thank you for being a pillar of support for him, we appreciate you.

Shabana Vhora

To: Mr Essex
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you Mr Essex for everything you have done for Anant this year. Thank you for all the hard work you put in for Sats and thank you for looking after Anant at his residential and helping him make some beautiful memories and getting him ready for secondary school. You are an amazing teacher; every child you have taught has been lucky to have you as their teacher and the parents.

Bhauna Khunti

To: All the Linden Staff
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you to all the Staff that went on the year 6 residential for looking after our children and helping them make some beautiful memories.

Bhauna Khunti

To: Mrs Khunti
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

We would like to thank Mrs Khunti for all the help and support she has provided for our son Mustafa and all of his needs. You have been brilliant and from the bottom of our heart as Mustafa's parents we appreciate every little thing you have done for him and continue to do from the beginning of his school journey in Reception. He is well cared for by Mrs Khunti on a daily basis and we feel at peace knowing he is being well looked after, she is an amazing support to Mustafa, even on the days where he is not having a good day she gives him that extra attention and love which is great to see. Mrs Khunti is a lovely person, she is caring and loving and patient with Mustafa. He has excelled since starting at Linden Primary School and the credit goes to her for all the hardwork and dedication she has put in to looking after our son. She is a great asset to Linden Primary School and we are very lucky our son has her as a support teacher. Thank you once again.

Adnan L

To: All the staff at Linden
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

A massive thanks for always looking out for Amelia. It warms my heart to know that she is well-cared for at school. The staff at Linden are one of a kind!

Ameena Chowdhury

To: Year 3/4 Staff
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for a smooth start in 3ES. You have all been very supportive and extremely helpful. Halima Mahomed

Halima Tayob

To: Mrs K Kaur
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

For organising all the resources for year 2 for the PTA event.

F Patel

To: Mrs Patel (Year 2)
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

You are a brilliant teacher, My daughter looks forward to coming to school everyday and always tells me what she has learnt. Credit to you. The best teacher!


To: Miss Harris
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you so much for being such a lovely person. Our daughter always look forward to seeing you in school. We sincerely appreciate you.

Joy Ajimoko

To: Miss Haris & Mrs Patel - NCH
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

We would like to give a very big thank you to Miss Haris & Mrs Patel for the incredible job they do everyday looking after & teaching our children, Danish & Ariana. We feel at peace knowing that our children have incredible teachers like Miss Haris & Mrs Patel. It helps us as parents be at peace in the heart throughout the day knowing that our children are happy at school because they have the best teachers. Miss Haris & Mrs Patel are absolutely amazing, one in a million teachers, if our kids are not well or not feeling the day, they give that extra encouragement and attention to our children, they give the love, hugs and motivation to them and seeing this makes us soo happy, it gives us that peace of mind knowing our children are in great hands. They are exactly how teachers should be, caring, loving, affectionate, patient, they go that extra mile and they show the children ever soo much love & care, you can see the love they have for their students, they are exactly how teachers should be, amazing! Any worries or concerns you have as a parent, they will really put your mind at ease. As a parent your always worried about your children and when you have amazing teachers like Miss Haris & Mrs Patel it honestly helps make your mind be at peace knowing your kids are happy whilst in school. Its worrying as a parent leaving your kids without you, worrying how they will be, worrying how they are all day so when you see that their teachers are amazing and when you see that your children are happy, it is the biggest peace of mind. Honestly if anyone deserves an award, its these two! We absolutely love them. You are both one in a million, you do an amazing job every single day and we just want to say thank you ever so much & that you are incredible, you have given us a great start to Linden thank you ever so much to you both, we love you ❤️

Hannah & Firaz K

To: Chris Taylor and James Hunt
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you to you and James for taking time out of your busy schedules. Your commitment to the school and staff wellbeing is evident, but also your vision for the future of students is great to see.

Ann Shaw

To: Mr Essex
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for all your support during my first term at Linden.

Esther Manning

To: Mrs Azeez
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for all your support during the Autumn term.

Esther Manning

To: Mrs Kaur
Linden Primary School, Leicester, Leicester

Thank you for all your support during the Autumn term.

Esther Manning

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